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"New Purpose for Old Pallets"

So sorry I’ve been out of pocket for a few days.  It’s been a hectic week.  When the day job calls, you kinda need to answer. Honestly, I’d rather skip a couple of days of blogging than just throw something together to post for the sake of posting. 

I have to begin by thanking my intern Chelsea for this great blog post idea.   Each week I ask her to submit a blog post idea and she’s come back with some great ones including these:


So, you guys know how I love gardening and sometimes keeping things orderly is a bit of a challenge.  I only wish that I’d seen this particular idea for doing just that a couple of months ago.  As indicated in my last gardening post, sometimes keeping the garden from looking like a jungle can prove very challenging.  Well, we're all familiar with basic pallets.

Goods or shipping containers are often placed on a pallet secured with strapping, stretch wrap or shrink wrap and shipped. (Source)

I absolutely love the idea of using them to creatively and sustainably decorate and organize your garden. 
I can't tell you how many times I've seen old shipping pallets on the side of the road, behind a building, by the dumpster or at a recycling center.

Source:  http://www.thegreenman.us/wp/
How great would these be for planting and separating small vegetables?

Source:  http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/

For those with limited space, this idea is ingenious. 

Source link

And who says that your garden needs to be in the ground?  Cut down the pallets to your desired size, add a coat of paint and add some color to your landscape.  Love it!

Source:  http://camelotartcreations.blogspot.com/2011/06/garden-pallet.html (Awesome blog post w/ more info)

Maybe you've gone "green" and are looking for a creative way to hide the compost bin.  Or perhaps you just need to create some division in your garden.  Why not use a larger pallet to create a gate? 

I guess hindsight is 20/20...

Like I said, if only I had known about this earlier.  Oh well, there’s always next year.

Thanks for the great idea Chelsea.

Enjoyed today's post?  Leave me a comment.  I'd love to hear from you.  
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2 Comments - Click here to join the conversation!:

Michael said... Reply To This Comment

Wow!! As many as these things I have seen in my line of work, never would have thought to use one to organize.

Dwell by Cheryl said... Reply To This Comment

You need to pick up a few for me? Lol!

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