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"Fab Finds"

A friend and faithful reader recently reminded me that I used to share fabulous deals and steals on a post series entitled "Fab Five Friday".  She went on to say that she and another friend and blog reader had even purchased an item or two as a result of those posts. They both expressed a desire for me to do more of the types of blogs I did when I was first starting out. 

Ok, in my defense, I used to publish about three blogs each week, so there was plenty of time to round-up my favorite finds at various retailers and share them with you here.  These days however, I'm doing good to get one post out a week and it's often a status update or reveal of a client project I've been diligently working on.  I get it though.  This blog is really about you.  Those of you who read it are likely here because you want to learn more about how to spruce up your home on a budget.  Sure, you can glean inspiration and ideas from my client work but I probably should make a better effort to share with you some of the places I'm shopping for those amazing deals and fabulously affordable finds.

So with that,  here's a brand new "Fab" post and since it's not Friday and I couldn't stop at five, let's just call it the Fab Finds post.

You may or may not be familiar with Brylane Home.  I recall them from years ago.  For me, they've always been the mail-order curtain and bedding people.  They've always had very affordable pricing, but the style factor of their merchandise was, well.....yikes.

Don't get me wrong, you could occasionally find a winner or two.  In fact, my most popular project on Houzz includes bedding from Brylane.

But for the most part, it was slim pickings.  Well, not anymore. I've rounded up ten (and it was hard to stop at ten) of my favorite finds at Brylane Home.

I was shocked at how stylish the inventory has gotten.  I even spotted a find that I've used in a project that DID NOT come from Brylane. 

They are definitely worth a second look if you remember them and a first if not. 

Along that same vein of sharing with you tricks of the trade and tips for sprucing things up, I've got some news for the locals...coming soon! Stay tuned!

Note: This is NOT a sponsored post (although it probably should be).

"Sprucing Up Your Home for Spring"

Not sure if it's the couple of days of amazing weather we've had or my recent visit to Fox 46, but I'm itching to get outdoor and savor every bit of spring. 

I'm planning a little update to my patio space in the coming weeks, but until then, check out my recent segment on Good Day Charlotte.  I shared a few quick and easy ways to spruce up your home for spring. 

Are you as ready as I am? 

"One Day Design Plus Reveal: A Tranquil Retreat"

A little over a year ago, I introduced a new service called One Day Design Plus.  It was born out of a need to provide design assistance to those needing a little help pulling things together.  Most of my One Day Design clients have already purchased furniture, painted and even gotten a start on decorating their space.  However, they've usually stalled shortly thereafter and need a little help pulling together a cohesive and finished look.  That's exactly what my recent One Day Design Plus clients needed. 

Their master bedroom was in need of those finishing touches that would make it into the tranquil retreat they desired.  They'd already selected a beautiful paint color called Silver Sage by Restoration Hardware, a lovely muted gray green. 


The furniture was substantial but unassuming and definitely worth keeping.  We pulled together a quick mood board and agreed on the design direction for the space.

The biggest challenge was the large window nook.  We needed to fill it with seating but for an ample space like this one, a chair and ottoman was just not going to do. 

Our first thought was two chaise lounge chairs, but they proved illusive. 
Soft Surroundings
So, we ended up with an awesome daybed.  I stumbled upon this beauty and knew it would be PERFECT! 
Crate and Barrel

I was right!  Let's take a look at a few before and afters, shall we?  (Excuse my sad photography.)

The original lamps were way too small for scale of the bed and nightstands and while the wedding photo was beautiful, the placement wasn't ideal.  The room was also screaming for some softness, so we added silk panels and hotel bedding to add a bit of lushness. 

The clients loved the idea of a retreat, but didn't want the space to feel like their parent's bedroom.  We kept it modern with the addition of a few pieces of abstract art. 

Despite my lackluster photography, this bedroom turned out great.  They couldn't have been happier and that's what matters most. Start to finish, this project was completed in just two and a half weeks and on a pretty modest budget.  I'm constantly amazed by the impact that just a few key elements can have on the look and feel of a space. 

Interested in our One Day Design Plus service?  Give me a shout. 
Have a great week!

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