I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter holiday weekend. I was able to get away for a bit and am actually still enjoying a little time off. I thought I'd pop in to share with you a little good news I received recently.
Anyway, she was calling to inform me that the magazine was in the process of sprucing up their website. They were also looking to add a blog featuring local subject matter experts from a number of areas that might be of interest to their readership; one of which was interior design.
Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity. Pride Magazine has a long-standing history in the Charlotte community for being a go-to information resource for the African-American community and I'm honored to have been asked to contribute.
You can find me there once each month sharing home decorating ideas and inspiration. As always, I'm sure they'll be plenty of budget-friendly design tips too!
What an awesome opportunity! Until next time...