Those are never the best words to hear, are they? You immediately brace yourself for something horrible when you hear those four dreaded words. Right? Well, take a deep breath. It's not THAT deep. I just need to level with you guys a bit. The fact is, I'm tired and overextended. There, I said it.
You see, I believe in integrity. PERIOD. If you know me, you know that when I say I'm going to do something, I do it. So when I set out to start a design blog, and committed to blogging 3-5 per week, that's exactly what I did. For the past two and a half years, in fact.
That is, until my design business took off...

I became a blog partner with Habitat ReStore...
and I received a promotion at work.
To say that I'm busy would be a gross understatement. Some days I barely have time to breathe (at least it feels that way). It's time for me to be realistic with myself and with you.
I believe I've said it here before, but when I started this blog, it was just an outlet for me to share my design ideas, inspiration and budget-friendly projects. I never intended to become a professional blogger. Truth is, I don't even like writing that much. I set out to become an Interior Designer and I'm making huge strides in that department.
However, I'm starting to feel like blogging is slowing me down. It was different in the beginning, when the client projects were few and far between. I had plenty of free time to blog about small improvements or seasonal projects I did around my house.
However, these days I'm lucky to get to sit down for a few at my house, let alone decorate for the changing seasons. My evenings are literally packed with homework, research for client projects, email inquiries and bargain shopping runs. That just doesn't leave tons of time for blogging. And FYI, blogging takes TONS of time.
So, what does this all mean? Basically, I think I need to set a more manageable blogging goal. I've given it some thought and I think once per week is likely all I can handle right now. I know some of you are probably thinking, "Ok. Big deal." Well remember, I'm a woman of integrity and if I say I'm going to do it, I do it. So, only blogging once per week when I said (to myself) I'd blog at least 3 times per week just isn't cutting it. I have to let myself of the hook and release myself from the feeling that I'm letting you guys down when I can't muster enough energy to squeeze out a lack-luster post at 11:15 p.m.
Trust me, I'll do my best to make my once per week post the very best it can be. I will also continue to blog for Habitat ReStore twice per month and will be sure to link you to those posts as well. Therefore, some weeks you'll get more than a single post.
I hope you understand. I'm just one person and unfortunately I only get 24 hours/day. I tried to negotiate for more, but The Lord didn't go for it. : )
If you want to know what's going on with me during the times I'm not blogging. Please follow along with me on social media. Hint: I'm most active on Instagram.
Until next time... Or should I say next week?
10 Comments - Click here to join the conversation!:
Good for you Cheryl...and as the consummate designer you are, you ARE still decorating for the changing seasons. Now you're adding pops of honesty and focus against the drab background of overwhelmed and busy. Bravo my dear friend - bravo! I look forward to next week's post.
So proud of you for giving yourself a break. We understand and once a week will give us something exciting to look forward too. CONGRATULATIONS on all of your successes!!!! What a BLESSING!!!!
Great decision Cheryl. One person cannot do it all! So happy that things are taking off for you. I had no doubt they would! Congrats on all your success!
I totally understand. One has to set priorities, or the priorities don't get done. Your blogs are so interesting, and I appreciate knowing we'll still see them even if not as frequently. If you had said "once a month," I was going to be okay with it. I just hope we get to see something sometime. :)
Sarah Strohm
Thanks ladies! I really appreciate the support. I'm feeling better already!
This post encourages me, because I feel like I'm at the point in my business where I have to learn to say no in order to find work/life balance. You are such an inspiration, and I look forward to remaining a loyal reader (WHENEVER you post!). ~Arianne
Good for you Cheryl! Do whatever you feel is best! I will keep on reading your fab blog anyway! :D
Yes ma'am. Blogging is a full time gig as well so you have to find a balance so it remains fun. If it's once a week or once a month then so be it. The trick is to let yourself off the hook and don't even have a schedule. Write if and when you can. Those of us who care will pop in to check on you or just follow along over on Instagram aka the cliff notes version of blogging.
Thanks for the encouragement lady. I'm learning that I CANNOT do everything. It's always good to stop, evaluate and refocus.
I love your work! You are an inspiration 2 me. My dream is to have a career in home staging. How do you get started?
Do you have a class that I could attend. I would like to have any information you could provide.Thank you in advance for your time,and consideration.
Warm regards,Patricia Carter
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