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"Finding" a Mentor

Wow!  I feel like time is moving at warp speed these days.  I look up and yet another week has passed.  I guess time really does fly when you're having fun. ☺

Well, it's been super busy over here.  I wrapped up an amazing install this weekend and I can't wait to share the reveal with you guys.  It was a larger project for me, involving several stages of improvements.  We were able to bring it all together on Saturday and the clients absolutely love it! This project was also significant because it was the first with my new team.  I'll introduce them a little later but I'm over the moon to have a little help.

They're both awesome and super passionate about design.  Honestly, it's likely what separated them from other candidates.  I'm honored to have the opportunity to guide and mentor them in their passion for design.  In chatting with them both on Friday, I later began to think about those who have poured into me along this journey. 

Lately, I've been bombarded with fans and social media followers who are seeking mentors.  While I believe whole-heartily in mentoring, there's only so much time in the day and I'm not able to mentor everyone that asks.

I try to provide a little advice to those who reach out, but I also think I prefer seeking out a mentor in a much more organic way. 

First of all, mentors should be someone you know or have at least connected with on some level (preferably in person).  A mentoring relationship is, at the end of the day, a relationship like any other.  You need to actually know and like the person you're seeking out to mentor you.  The last thing you need is to end up connected with someone who you don't even like.

Secondly, no one person can help with everything.  I have mentors in just about every category of life.  I believe in spiritual mentors, relationship mentors, business mentors, etc.  The person I call for Godly counsel may not be the same person I call for design business advice. 

Furthermore, some of my mentors don't even know that I consider them to be mentors and I'm ok with that.  It doesn't have to be a formalized process, where we meet on a pre-determined basis to discuss and solve for life's problems (although it can be).  Sometimes it's nothing more than a relationship with someone you look up to, who you know if you need them, they'll be there with wise advice and guidance. 

The bottom line is don't force it.  I've found that most of my mentoring relationships just developed over time.  It can be a bit overwhelming when a stranger approaches you and asks you to commit to mentoring them.  It's kinda like approaching a stranger and asking them to start a long-term, committed relationship with you.  Awkward!

Focus less on "finding" a mentor and more on seeking to get to know and surround yourself with those who add value to your life and perhaps those you aspire to be like.  You may just find that finding a mentor is a lot easier than you thought.

3 Comments - Click here to join the conversation!:

Queen of my Castle 3 said... Reply To This Comment

Thanks for the advice. I am always looking for someone to bounce ideas off of and let them do the same. Glad your new adventure is going well and time is flying.

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