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"Technical Difficulty"

Good morning and happy Monday!  Hope all of you mothers had an awesome Mother's Day weekend!

Several of you have reached out to me recently to let me know that you've been having issues receiving the blog post via email.  I'm not sure what the issue is, but it's likely a problem with the delivery service I use, Feedburner. 

Here's what I'd suggest:

1.  Sign up to receive blog post via Google Friend Connect.  It may require that you sign up for a Goggle account, but in the end, the delivery reliability will be there. 

2.  For you tech savvy folk, I'd recommend following my blog (and other's) via Bloglovin'.  I actually blogged about Bloglovin' HERE.   It' basically a seamless way to follow blogs.  You just download the app and add the blogs you want to follow and you'll get all of their new posts in a feed on the Bloglovin' app (or via email). And yes, you can add any blog.

3.  Lastly, if you prefer (or you're a new subscriber), you can certainly try to sign up for the blog via email again but I've been told that you may be prompted with a messages that indicates you've already subscribed.

I apologize for any issues.  I certainly hope you continue to follow along.  I love having you here. 
Plus, there are some great things on the horizon that you won't want to miss.  Make it a great one!

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